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Youtube for marketing

3 Reasons Why You Need To Use YouTube for Marketing

“We are not getting enough traffic to our website.”
“Our ads doesn’t give us enough return on investment.”
“Our bounce rate is too high.”

These are common problem from business owners. While every platform offers its benefits, there’s one in particular many brands taken for granted and seems to forget which is really need: Youtube. So many businesses aren’t utilizing the power of Youtube because they are not comfortable of producing video content, but the benefits of Youtube for your business are undeniable.


As a small business or start-up business, you must continually think of ways to get your products and services in front of as many people as possible, all without breaking the bank. Using YouTube for your business can be a cost-effective way to grow it, if used regularly as part of your marketing strategy. Not sure if YouTube can help grow your business? Here are 3 benefits that YouTube can provide to your business.

Table of Contents

1. It’s easy to get a message across on video

One of the reasons we like YouTube and we like video in general is it’s very easy and quick to get a message across, more so than you ever could in any kind of other medium, such as text or social media. In 60 seconds, you can say more than you could in several pages of the written word, and goodness knows how many tweets and Facebook updates etc.

easy to spread message

That means, it makes it easy to communicate with your target market. And not only that, if there’s a person talking to you when you’re on a website, it brings a human element to your website. In other words, with somebody talking to you, it makes a human connection. And even today with our electronic transaction-based world, people still love to do business with people.

2. It’s quick and it’s easy.

It’s very quick and easy setup, you can use your own smartphone to record a video without using any special gear. If you want to edit it, there’s is a bunch of mobile app you can edit your videos with just a tap of a button. It’s really that simple. You don’t need any high quality camera to record a video for YouTube but for starter you can use your smartphones.

its quick and easy

You could start simply, start cheaply, and video, it really is quick and easy. And you can also Live Broadcast onto YouTube now as well, as we’ve done before, and it can be a great way of engaging with potential customers, answer questions, doing Q&As. It’s brilliant. So it’s quick and it’s easy.

3.YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine

We all know that Google owned YouTube, and YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine next to Google. More and more people search on YouTube than any other channels or any other search engine websites even Google. YouTube is a visual platform where you can see what you’re looking for, that’s why so many people use YouTube as a search engine tool. If you are spending a lot of time and effort trying to do well in Google, why not also spend some time on YouTube as well.

2nd biggest search engine

Why would you not want to be on the number two search engine in the world? Come on, this isn’t really rocket science. It’s really that simple. Get into YouTube, the number two search engine in the world – watched by millions and millions of people.


There’s loads and loads of reasons why you should be using more YouTube videos and the key is this: It’s all about communication, all about engagement, all about trying to improve your way in which you communicate with your customers and your potential customers.

YouTube enables you to do that. Not just enables you to do it, but do it for free, unlike almost any other medium on this planet.

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